Blue Ribbon Winners
National & World Champion Jacks, Jennets Geldings
Sired by
CM's George Jones
CM's Garth Brooks
The offspring of
CM's George Jones and CM's Garth Brooks have won many championships across the United States, Canada, Europe and New Zealand!

Winners listed below are sired by either
Country Music's Dixie Nolan
UK Miniature Mediterranean Donkey Association
Won the Brood Mare Class
Was Supreme In Hand Championship of the Year
Congratulations Lorraine and John Rae!

Recent winner of his class of 5+ Year Old Jacks at the NMDA National Show in Shelbyville, TN, He was Named Reserve National Champion Jack! Rusty is 11 years of age can still hold his own against the younger jacks! Sired by CM's George Jones Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht!!
Country Music’s Rusty Weir was handpicked by the Vonderfecht’s as a weanling when they visited Country Music Miniature Donkey’s in Texas. Only shown at one - three National Miniature Donkey Association (NMDA) Show per year, Country Music’s Rusty Weir has attained the designation as Excellence in Halter.
The American Donkey Association Board of Directors are proud to recognize Country Music’s Rusty Weir owned by Dennis & Peggy Vonderfecht (Appalachian Farmstead, Jonesborough, Tenn.) This gorgeous Jack has met the requirements for an Excellence in Halter.
Qualifications are the accumulation of 15 points from at least 3 NMDA shows with at least 3 different Judges to receive this recognition establishes that this jack was rendered to be an excellent halter donkey in opinion of varied qualified NMDA Judges.
Congratulation to County Music’s Rusty Weir.
Great Job!

Faberge is out of CountryMusic's Dixie Nolan, daughter of Country Musics George Jones. Champion Donkey at the Honley Donkey Show, in Yorkshire England. Congratulations John Rae!


Out of Music's Dixie Nolan, granddaughter of Country Music's George Jones Glendale Show - Northumberlan, England Aarranbrook Faberge (Dixie Nolans daughter) UK Miniature Mediterranean Donkey Association Won Supreme In Hand Champion for the Year. August 2016 Champion Jennet British Miniature Supreme Champion. Congratulations John Rae!

American Donkey Association's NMDA Shelbyville,TN. 1st in 5 Years and Older and Reserve Champion Jack. Sired by CM's George Jones Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht

Celebration Mule and Donkey show in Shelbyville, TN. 1st in 5 Years and Older Jennets class and Res. Champion Jennet Granddaughter of CM's George Jones Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht

The Great Celebration Donkey Show
Shelbyville, Tennessee
First Place in 5 Years and Older Geldings and Reserve Champion Gelding
Grandsire: County Music’s George Jones
(Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht)

Music City Show, Tennessee Reserve Champion Jack Sired by Country Music's George Jones Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht

NMDA Shelbyville Show, Shelbyville, Tennessee Reserve Champion Jennet Sired by Country Music’s George Jones Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht

The Great Celebration Donkey Show Shelbyville, Tennessee Reserve Champion - 5 years and older Jennets Sired by Country Music’s George Jones (Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht)

NMDA National Show held in Shelbyville, Tennessee Country Music's Eli Barsi and her daughter Farmstead's Moonpie Won BEST MATCHED PAIR! (Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht!)
Not pictured
The Great Celebration Donkey Show
Shelbyville, Tennessee
Farmsteads Dale Earnhardt
Grand Champion Gelding
Grandsire: County Music’s George Jones
(Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht)

2014 Great Yorkshire Show, England Faberge was Best Mare Donkey and went on to win Reserve Champion Donkey Congratulations John & Lorraine Rae!

Border Union Show - Kelso, Scotland Faberge was Best Mare Donkey and went on to win Reserve Champion Donkey Congratulations John & Lorraine Rae!

Glendale Show - Northumberland, England Champion Donkey Great Yorkshire Show - Yorkshire, England Reserve Champion Donkey Sired by Country Music's George Jones Congratulations John and Lorraine Rae!

Highest points in the UK’s Miniature Mediterranean Donkey Association 2014 Border Union Show - Kelso, Scotland Reserve Champion Donkey Donkey Breed Society Supreme Championship Show - Yorkshire, England British Jennet Reserve Champion (LARGEST MINIATURE DONKEY SHOW IN EUROPE) Grandsire - Country Music's George Jones In Europe the first place ribbon is RED, the second place is BLUE. Congratulations John and Lorraine Rae!

Sired by Country Music's George Jones 1st place - Jennets Five Years and Older - Reserve Champion Jennet Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht!

Granddaughter of Country Music's George Jones and three year old daughter of Eli Barsi Reserve Champion Three and Four Year Old Jennet Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht!

NMDA National Show held in Shelbyville, Tennessee Country Music's Eli Barsi and her daughter Farmstead's Moonpie Won BEST MATCHED PAIR! Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht!

NMDA National Show held in Shelbyville, Tennessee Reserve Champion 5 years old and older Jack Sired by Country Music's George Jones Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht!
Not Pictured:
Boroughbridge and Oldbrough Show, held in England
July 1, 2013
Arranbrook Bedazzled
Granddaughter of Country Music's George Jones
Show Champion (against Miniature and Standard Donkeys)
(Congratulations John and Lorraine Rae!)

2012 Texas State Championship Donkey and Mule Show Sired by Country Music’s George Jones 1st place - Jennet Model Donkey (Congratulations Amanda Driggers)

Island Farm Championship Show held in Oxford, England July 1, 2012 George Jones Progeny 1st place in Youngstock (1-3 year old jacks and jennets) Champion Donkey (Congratulations Sue Farr)

Island Farm Championship Show held in Oxford, England July 1, 2012 George Jones Progeny 1st place in Youngstock (1-3 year old jacks and jennets) Champion Donkey (Congratulations Sue Farr)

SMDS Texas Shoot Out held in Bryan, TX June 8, 9, 10, 2012 Sired by Country Music's George Jones 1st place - Three and Four Years Jennies, Champion Jenny and Best of Breed (Congratulations to Sid and Bette Sutton)

Gonzales Miniature Donkey Show held in Gonzales, TX April 14, 2012 Country Music's Kristen Kelly - 1st Yearling Jennets, Grand Champion Model Donkey Sired by Country Music's George Jones (Congratulations Daveta and Edi Wood!)

Gonzales Miniature Donkey Show held in Gonzales, TX April 14, 2012 Country Music's Jim Reeves - Reserve Champion Gelding at Halter Sired by Country Music's George Jones (Congratulations Cole-David Wood!)

Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo March 17, 2012 Country Music's Kristen Kelly - 1st Yearling class Sired by Country Music's George Jones (Congratulations Daveta and Edi Wood!)
Not pictured
SMDS Texas Shoot Out held in Bryan, TX
June 8, 2012
Country Music's Merle Haggard
Sired by Country Music's George Jones
1st place - Jacks Five Years and Older
(Congratulations Harv and JoAnn Jordon!)

Texas State Championship Show held in Conroe, TX November 6, 2011 Country Music's Kristen Kelly Sired by Country Music's George Jones Two year old Edi Wood showed her new weanling, Country Music's Kristen Kelly, in their first show 1st Place - Foal Class They also showed in the Pre-Green Showmanship, Pre-Green Lead Line, Pee Wee Showmanship (Congratulations Edi Wood!)

Texas State Championship Show held in Conroe, Texas November 6, 2011 Country Music's Jim Reeves Sired by Country Music's George Jones 2nd Place - Gelding Class (Congratulations to Cole-David Wood!)

Addison County Day Show held in Addison, VT August, 2011 Country Music's Julianne Hough Sired by Country Music's George Jones Champion - Best of Breed 1st Place - Jennet Class 1st Place - Cone Race (Congratulations Becca Hardin!)

Sired by Country Music's George Jones Kentucky Mule and Donkey Association State Champions Grand Champion Jack Best of Breed North Carolina State Fair Grand Champion Jack Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show held in Shelbyville, Tennessee Reserve Champion Jack Tennessee StateFair Reserve Champion Jack Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show held in Shelbyville, Tennessee July, 2011 Reserve Champion Jack 2nd place - 3 years + (Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht!)

Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo March, 2011 Pasture Stars Jane Russell Grandsired by Country Music's George Jones 1st Halter Jennets Model Donkey (Congratulations Sid and Bette Sutton!)
Not pictured
Missouri State Fair held in Sedalia, MO
August, 2011
Country Music's Cory Morrow
Sired by Country Music's George Jones
2nd place - Gelding Class
(Congratulations Debbie Miller!)
Not pictured
Waikato Show, New Zealand
February 2011
Clovercrest's Bobbie Jo
Granddaughter of Country Music's Garth Brooks
Champion Donkey as a weanling
1st Place - Gelding Class
(Congratulations Peter and Marion van Dijk)

State Fair of Texas held in Dallas, Texas October, 2010 Country Music's Jim Reeves Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks 1st Place - Gelding Class (Congratulations to Daveta Wood!)

GCDMA Texas State Championship held in Conroe, Texas September 25-26, 2010 Country Music's Jim Reeves Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks (Cole-David Wood and his show gelding, Country Music's Jim Reeves, and proud Mom, Daveta Wood.)

Miniature Donkey Show held in Conroe, Texas September 2010 Country Music's Jim Reeves Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks 1st Place - Geldings Junior Champion 1st Place - Pee Wee Showmanship 1st Place - Pee Wee Trail (Congratulations to Cole-David & Daveta Wood!)

Tennessee State Fair held in Nashville, Tennessee September, 2010 Country Music's Rusty Weir Sired by Country Music's George Jones 1st Place - Two Year Old and Older Jacks 1st Place - Solid Color Class Tennessee High Point Halter Jack (Congratulations to Dennis Vonderfecht!)

Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show held in Shelbyville, Tennessee July, 2010 Country Music's Rusty Weir Sired by Country Music's George Jones 2nd Place - Jacks 3 years and older (Congratulations to Dennis Vonderfecht!)

Miniature Mediterranean Donkey Association Nationals held in Englan July, 2010 Ann French with Kelly Willis Country Music's Kelly Willis Sired by Country Music's George Jones 1st Place - Yearling to Two Year Old Jennets 1st Place - Best Turned Out (Congratulations to Ann French!)

SDMS Texas Shoot-Out held in Bryan, Texas June 11-13, 2010 Country Music's Jim Reeves Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks Champion Pee Wee Western Trail Champion Pee Wee Hunter 2nd Place - Yearling Gelding (Cole-David Wood with Jim Reeves)

SDMS Texas Shoot-Out held in Bryan, Texas June 11-13, 2010 Hickory Hills Sweet Caroline Sired by Country Music's Merle Haggard Grandsired by Country Music's George Jones 1st Place - Yearling Jennet at Halter (Congratulations to JoAnn Jordan!)
Not pictured
September, 2010
Country Music's Maggie Brown
Sired by Country Music's George Jones
1st Place - Adult Jennets
(Congratulations to Dirk Hendrickx!)
Not pictured
Island Farm Donkey Show held in Wallingford, Oxon - England
July 4, 2010
Country Music's Carl Perkins
Sired by Country Music's George Jones
Awarded Reserve Champion Miniature Donkey
(Congratulations to Andrew Hamerton!)
Not pictured
Miniature Mediterranean Donkey Association Nationals held in England
July, 2010
Hill Country Miniatures Texas Ranger
Sired by Country Music's Jimmy Dean
Grandsired by Country Music's George Jones
Supreme National Champion
(Congratulations to Janet Lee)
Not pictured
Surrey County Show held in Surrey, England
May 2010
Country Music's Lilly Dale
Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks
1st Place - Miniature Mare
3rd Place - Youngstock Class
(Congratulations to Sarah Friend!)

East of England Autumn Show held in Peterborough October 2009 Hill Country Miniatures Texas Ranger Sired by Country Music's Jimmy Dean Grandsire Country Music's George Jones 2009 National Champion (In Europe, first Place is a red ribbon & second place is a blue) (Congratulations to Janet Lee!)

Scottish Donkey Show held in Braco, Scotland July 27, 2009 Arranbrook Marco son of Country Music Johnny Paycheck, grandson of Country Music George Jones Arranbrook's Marco Reserve Supreme Champion Male Reserve Champion Youngstock (Sire: Country Music's Johnny Paycheck; Grandsire: Country Music's George Jones)

National Miniature Donkey Show Shelbyville, Tennessee July 9-12, 2009 Country Music's Rusty Weir, Sired by Country Music's George Jones 2nd - Three years old and older jacks (Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht!)

A&P Association Show Ackland, New Zealand. Supreme Champion of Show. Champion Harness. 1st Place Champion Miniature Donkey 1st Place Miniature Donkey - Jack 1st Place, Best Presented, 1st Place Best Paced & Mannered Harness,1st Place, Obstacle, 2nd Place Activity Classes Country Music's Marty Brown Reserve Champion Miniature Donkey Reserve Champion Harness 1st Place, Activity Classes, 2nd Place Miniature Donkey-Jack, 2nd Place Long Reining, 2nd Place Best Paced, Mannered Harness & Obstacle.

Kumeu A&P Show held in New Zealand March 8-9, 2008 Country Music's Billie Jo Spears, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks Supreme Champion Jennet (Congratulations to Jack and Maisie Hurst)

Royal Easter Show March 20-24, 2008 Auckland, New Zealand Country Music's Spade Cooley, Sired by Country Music's George Jones National Supreme Champion Donkey (Congratulations to Jack and Maisie Hurst

The South Suffolk Show held in St. Edmundsbury, England May 11, 2008 Country Music's Patsy Montana II, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks 2nd Place - 2/3 Year Old Fillies, BEST 2 YEAR OLD, TOP PLACED MINIATURE DONKEY (Congratulations to Sarah Trantum)

The South Suffolk Show held in St. Edmundsbury, England May 11, 2008 Country Music's Patsy Montana II, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks 2nd Place - 2/3 Year Old Fillies, BEST 2 YEAR OLD, TOP PLACED MINIATURE DONKEY (Congratulations to Sarah Trantum)

South Eastern Donkey Show May 4, 2008 Surrey, England Country Music's Lilly Dale, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks 1st Place - Jennets at Halter (Congratulations to Sarah Trantum)

NMDA National Miniature Donkey Show Frontier Legends Cimmaron, Grandsired by Garth Brooks 1st Place - Yearling Jacks at Halter, NATIONAL GRAND CHAMPION JUNIOR DONKEY, Kevin Black, Sired by George Jones 2nd Place - NMDA Two Year Old Jacks at Halter, Frontier Legends Ruby Stone, Grandsired by Garth Brooks ,1st Place - NMDA Two Year Old Jennets at Halter, Merle Haggard, Sired by George Jones, 1st Place NMDA Two Year Old Jacks at Halter, RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION JACK
Not pictured
Gulf Coast Donkey & Mule Assoc. Show held in Conroe, Texas
September 2008
Country Music's Kevin Black, Sired by Country Music's George Jones
Reserve Grand Champion Halter Jack (Congratulations to Harvey and JoAnn Jordan)
Country Music's Merle Haggard, Sired by Country Music's George Jones
Class Winner - 5 yrs Old and Older (Congratulations to Harvey and JoAnn Jordan)
Not pictured
Clevedon A&P Show held in Clevedon, New Zealand
November 8-9, 2008
Country Music's Marty Brown, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks
Supreme Champion Jack (Congratulations to Jack and Maisie Hurst)
Not pictured
Tennessee Donkey Association Award
Country Music's Eli Barsi Sired, by Country Music's Garth Brooks
Tennessee Donkey Association High Point, High Point Halter Donkey, (Congratulations to Dennis Vonderfecht)
Country Music's Rusty Weir, Sired by Country Music's George Jones
Tennessee Donkey Association Reserve High Point Solid Color Donkey (Congratulations to Dennis Vonderfecht)
Not pictured
Tennessee State Fair held in Nashville
September 13, 2008
Country Music's Eli Barsi, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks
Grand Champion Halter Jennet, 2008 Tennessee State Champion Jennet (Congratulations to Dennis Vonderfecht)
Country Music's Rusty Weir, Sired by Country Music's George Jones
1 st Place - Solid Color Class, Reserve Grand Champion Halter Jack (Congratulations to Dennis Vonderfecht)
Not pictured
37th Annual British Supreme Championship Show held in Penkridge, Stafford, England
August 2008
Country Music's Johnny Paycheck, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks
1 st Place - 4 and 5 year old Jacks at Halter, Grand Champion Halter Jack (Congratulations to Ann French)
Country Music's Sunny Sweeney, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks
Reserve Grand Champion Halter Foal (Congratulations to Sarah Friend)
Country Music's Lily Dale, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks
4 th Place - Foals at Halter (Congratulations to Sarah Trantum)
Country Music's Annie Oakley, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks
4 th Place - Aged Jennets (Congratulations to Sue Farr)
Not pictured
Texas Shoot-Out in Bryan, TX
May 30, 31 & June 1, 2008
Frontier Legends Ruby Stone, Grandsired by Country Music's George Jones
1 st Place - 3/4 Year Old Halter Jennets, Grand Champion Halter Jennet (Congratulations to Koby Schooler)
Country Music's Merle Haggard, Grandsired by Country Music's Goerge Jones
2 nd Place - 5-7 Year Old Jacks (Congratulations to Harvey Jordon)

East of England Autumn Show Peterborough Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks 1st Place, Miniature Mare (Yearlings, two year old and three+) (Congratulations to Sarah Tranton)

Longney's Championship Donkey Show Gloucestershire, England September 8, 2007 Country Music's Annie Oakley Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks 1st - Two Year Old Jennet Class Best Novice (Congratulations to Sue Farr) Country Music's Stella Blue Sired by Country Music's George Jones 1st - Lead Line Obstacle Best Family Donkey (Congratulations to Sue Farr)

Stanhope Agricultural Show September 7, 2007 Country Music's Johnny Paycheck, Sired by Country Music's George Jones Grand Champion at Halter (Congratulations to Ann French)

NMDA National Miniature Donkey Show Pacific Crest Classic Country Music's Ray Wylie Hubbard, Sired by CM's George Jones Res High Point Jack (Congratulations to Darlene Johnson)

NMDA National Miniature Donkey Show Pacific Crest Classic Country Music's Ray Wylie Hubbard, Sired by CM's George Jones Res High Point Jack (Congratulations to Darlene Johnson)

NMDA National Miniature Donkey Show Pacific Crest Classic Country Music's Ray Wylie Hubbard, Sired by CM's George Jones Reserve High Point Jack (Congratulations to Darlene Johnson)

Royal Lancashire Show Salesbury Hall Farm - Ribchester, England Sired by Country Music's George Jones 1st Place - Yearling, 2 and 3 year old class, Res Champion Donkey (Congratulations to Ann French)

Royal Highland Show (Only 5 star show in Great Britain) Edinburg, Scotland Sired by CM's George Jones 1st Place - Yearling, 2, 3 year olds, Res Best Male Donkey (Congratulations to Ann French)

Texas State Championship Miniature Donkey Show held in Conroe, Texas 3rd Place - Yearling Jacks at Halter (Congratulations to Harvey Jordan)

Kumeu, New Zealand Supreme Champion Miniature Donkey, 1st Place - Jacks at Harness, 1st Place - Jacks at Halter (Congratulations to Maisie & Jack Hurst)

Kumeu, New Zealand Supreme Champion Miniature Donkey, 1st Place - Jacks at Harness (Congratulations to Maisie & Jack Hurst)

SDMS Corsicana Show held in Corsicana, Texas 1st Place - Two Year-Old Jacks, Reserve Model Donkey, Sired by Country Music's George Jones (Congratulations Harvey and JoAnn Jordan)
Not pictured
Autumn Exhibition Show
Peterborough, England
October 14, 2007
Sired by Country Music's George Jones, Reserve Grand Champion Donkey(Congratulations to Ann French)

Tennessee State Fair WolfHeart'sRanch Sugar Badger, Grandsired by Country Music's Garth Brooks NMDA Reserve Champion at Halter (Congratulations to Joyce Berghansen) North Carolina State Fair October 7, 2006 WolfHeart Ranch's Sugar Badger, Grandsired by Country Music's Garth Brooks Grand Champion Jack 2006

WolfHeart Ranch's Wynonna, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks Grand Champion Jennet 2006 (Congratulations to Joyce BergHansen)

Show of the Dutch Donkey Studbook Utrecht, The Netherlands September 24, 2006 COUNTRY MUSIC'S JOHNNY CASH II, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks Best Miniature Jack 2006 (Congratulations to Angelique Van Nederpelt)

Tennessee State Fair WolfHeart Ranch's Doc O'Leo (Leftie), Sired by CM's Garth Brooks Grand Champion Gelding (Congratulations to Joyce BergHansen)

Royal Highland Show (Only 5 star show in Great Britain Attendance - 161,000) Edinburg, Scotland Sired by Country Music's George Jones 1st Place - Yearling to three year old Donkey at Halter, Best Jack at Halter, Royal Highland Supreme Champion Donkey (the highest award of the show) (Congratulations to Ann French)

COUNTRY MUSIC'S JOHNNY PAYCHECK, Sired by Country Music's George Jones Top Miniature Donkey 2006 - Great Britain (Congratulations to Ann French)

Donkey Breed Society Championship England - August, 2006 COUNTRY MUSIC'S STELLA BLUE, Sired by Country Music's George Jones Yearling Youngstock - 2nd (Congratulations Sue Farr)

Herefordshire Donkey Championship July 2006 COUNTRY MUSICS'S MEAGAN MICHAELIS, Sired by Country Music's George Jones Best Junior Handler (Congratulations Serena Beddoes) Costume Class...Brave Texans To the Alamo

Shelbyville, Tennessee July 2006 COUNTRY MUSIC'S KEVIN BLACK, Sired by Country Music's George Jones 2nd Place - NMDA Yearling Jacks at Halter (Congratulations Harvey Jordan)

Mid States Donkey Show Osgood, IN June 3, 2006 COUNTRY MUSIC'S KASEY JONES, Sired by Country Music's George Jones 2nd Place - Jennets Weanling to Under 2 Years (Congratulations Tim and Tara Walworth)

New Zealand Supreme Champion COUNTRY MUSIC'S MISS MAISIE, Grandsired by Country Music's George Jones (Congratulations Peter and Marion van Dijk)

National Champion Miniature Donkey Show Forst, South Germany – August 2006 1st Place Obstacle Race COUNTRY MUSIC’S JANIE FRICKE, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones (Congratulations to Huub and Nicole Huibers)

Royal Highland Show (Only 5 star show in Great Britain..attendance - 161,000) Edinburg, Scotland - July 2006 1st - Yearling to three year old Donkey at Halter and Best Jack at Halter Royal Highland Supreme Champion Donkey (the highest award of the show) (Congratulations to Ann French)

Royal Highland Show (Only 5 star show in Great Britain..attendance - 161,000) Edinburg, Scotland - July 2006 1st - Yearling to three year old Donkey at Halter and Best Jack at Halter Royal Highland Supreme Champion Donkey (the highest award of the show) (Congratulations to Ann French)

New Zealand National Show Auckland, New Zealand April 15, 2006 National Champion Jack at Halter, Reserve National Champion at Harness COUNTRY MUSIC'S SPADE COOLEY, Sired by Country Music's George Jones,(Congratulations to Jack and Maisie Hurst)

National Champion Youngstock COUNTRY MUSIC'S QUEEN OF SPADE, Grandsired by Country Music's George Jones (Congratulations to Jack and Maisie Hurst) National Champion Jennet, Supreme National Champion COUNTRY MUSIC'S BILLIE JO SPIERS , Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks (Congratulations to Jack and Maisie Hurst
Not pictured
Herefordshire Donkey Championship
July 2006
COUNTRY MUSIC'S ANNIE OAKLEY and COUNTRY MUSIC'S STELLA BLUE, Sired by Country Music's George Jones / Country Music's Garth Brooks
1st Place - Best Matched Pair (Congratulations Sue Farr )
Not Pictured
Shelbyville, Tennessee
July 2006
COUNTRY MUSIC'S ELI BARSI, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks
3rd Place - NMDA Yearling Jennets at Halter (Congratulations Dennis Vonderfecht)
Not Pictured
The Royal Bath and West Show
Great Britain
June 3, 2006
COUNTRY MUSIC'S STELLA BLUE, Sired by Country Music's George Jones
1st Place - Yearling Class
Country Music's Annie Oakley, Sired by Country Music's George Jones
3rd Place - Yearling Class (Congratulations Sue Farr )

NMDA National Championship Show
Waco, TX - August 2004
National Champion - 2 Year Old Jennets at Halter, National Reserve Champion Best of Breed, National Champion Jennet
COUNTRY MUSIC'S WYNONNA JUDD, Sired by Country Music's Garth Brooks (Congratulations to Bobby and Joyce BergHansen)

COUNTRY MUSIC'S JIMMY DEAN, Sired by Country Music's George Jones (Congratulations to Ed and Angela Preston)
The World Miniature Donkey Show
Calgary, Canada - July 13, 2004
NMDA Yearling Class Champion, World Show Grand Champion Halter Jennet
PERFECTION SMARTY PANTS, Grandsired by Country Music's George Jones (Congratulations to Val Townside)
Not pictured
Royal Easter National Champion Miniature Donkey Show held in Auckland, New Zealand
April 10, 2004
1st Place - Miniature Donkey 2-3 Years, Champion Miniature Donkey Youngstock, Supreme National Champion Miniature Donkey
COUNTRY MUSIC'S SPADE COOLEY, Sired by Country Music's George Jones (Congratulations to Jack and Maisie Hurst)
National Champion Miniature Donkey Show
Gutersloh, Germany – August 2003
Reserve International Champion Jennet (3-5 years)
Country Music's Janie Fricke, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones (Congratulations to Huub and Nicole Huibers)
Clevedon Agricultural & Pastoral Assoc.
Clevedon, New Zealand
Supreme National Champion Miniature Donkey
COUNTRY MUSIC'S SPADE COOLEY, Sired by Country Music's George Jones
Pacific Coast National Champion Miniature Donkey Show
Eagle Point, Oregon
National Champion Yearling Jennet, National Champion Yearling Halter Champion
STOCK MARKETS HOT TIP, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones (Congratulations to Barbara Hilliard and Sisu Morris)
National Champion New Zealand Miniature Donkey Show
New Zealand
National Champion Youngstock
COUNTRY MUSIC’S BILLIE JO SPEARS, Sired by Country Music’s Garth Brooks(Congratulations to Jack and Maisie Hurst)
Reserve National Champion Jack
COUNTRY MUSIC’S SPADE COOLEY, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones(Congratulations to Jack and Maisie Hurst)

National Championship Miniature Donkey Show
Shelbyville, Tennessee – June 2002
National Champion Yearling Halter Jack, Reserve Grand Champion
LONESTAR’S COUNTRY MUSIC’S MERLE HAGGARD, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones (Congratulations to Donny and Patti Green)
All three National Champion Jacks owned by Donny & Patti Green came from Country Music Miniature Donkeys
Not pictured
National Champion Miniature Donkey Show
Forst, South Germany – August 2002
Reserve International Champion Jennet (3-5 year), National Champion Donkey of Show, Best Animal of Show (jack, jennet, geding, mule, hinny)
COUNTRY MUSIC’S JANIE FRICKE, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones(Congratulations to Huub and Nicole Huibers)
Not pictured
National Champion New Zealand Miniature Donkey Show
Wainui, New Zealand - 2002
National Champion Foal to Yearling Halter, All Sexes
COUNTRY MUSIC’S BILLIE JO SPEARS, Sired by Country Music’s Garth Brooks (Congratulations to Jack and Maisie Hurst)
Supreme Champion of Show
COUNTRY MUSIC’S BILLIE JO SPEARS, Sired by Country Music’s Garth Brooks (Congratulations to Jack and Maisie Hurst)
Not pictured
NMDA National Champion Show
Oregon – 2002
NMDA National Champion Halter Futurity
OLD WEST MISS KITY, Grandsire Country Music’s George Jones (Congratulations to Gordon and Susan Kluzak)

National Champion Miniature Donkey Show
Gutersloh, Germany – August 2001
Reserve International Champion Jennet (under 3 years), 2nd Place Dressage on Lead, 2nd Place Obstacle Race
Country Music's Janie Fricke, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones (Congratulations to Huub and Nicole Huibers)
ADMS National Champion Show
Shelbyville, Tennessee – June 2000
ADMS National Champion Halter Jennet
STOCK MARKET’S DALE EVANS, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones
Canadian World Champions Show – 2000
STOCK MARKET’S DALE EVANS, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones (Congratulations to Sisu Morris & Koby Schooler)

Country Music's Faron Young
1st Place Novice Driving Champion
1st Place Grand Champion Halter Jack
Sired by Country Music's George Jones
(Congratulations Gordon Kluzac)
Country Music's Alison Krauss
Reserve Grand Champion Halter Jennet
Sired by Country Music's George Jones
(Congratulations Gordon Kluzac)
1st Place Get of Sire
Country Music’s Alison Krauss and Country Music’s Judy Lynn, Both Daughters of Country Music’s George Jones
Not pictured
Westerner Livestock Show
Red Deer, Canada – 1999 Champion Novice Driving Donkey
Country Music’s Faron Young
Not pictured
1999 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo
Country Music’s Willie Nelson - 1st Place Gelding Class
Not pictured
1999 Fort Worth Livestock Show
Country Music’s Lila McCann - 2nd Place Jennets at Halter
ADMS National Champion Halter Jennet
COUNTRY MUSIC’S LILA McCANN, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones (Congratulations to Sisu Morris and Koby Schooler)
NMDA Reserve National Champion Halter Jennet
COUNTRY MUSIC’S LILA McCANN, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones (Congratulations to Sisu Morris and Koby Schooler)
Not pictured
Canadian World Championship Show
Canadian World Champion Halter Jennet
COUNTRY MUSIC’S ALISON KRAUSS OLD WEST, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones (Congratulations to Gordon Kluzak)
Canadian World Champion Showmanship at Halter
COUNTRY MUSIC’S ALISON KRAUSS OLD WEST, Sired by Country Music’s George Jones (Congratulations to Gordon Kluzak)
State Fair of Texas in Dallas, Texas
Country Music’s Lila McCann - 1st Place Yearlings 0-1 Years
Country Music’s Mindy McCready - 5th Place Yearlings 0-1 Years
Country Music’s Tex Ritter - 1st Place Jacks 1-2 Years
Country Music’s Willie Nelson - 2nd Place Geldings

1997 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo
COUNTRY MUSIC'S WILLIE NELSON - 1st place geldings at halter

1996 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo
COUNTRY MUSIC'S ANGELA PERTERSON - 1st Place (all ages & sexes - with 43 entries in the class)